First off let me apologize for any and all inconvenience that the following may cause any of you. Due to the fact that we have, among us, people that are not interested in the Silver Strikers Club per say, and are only interested in profits to be made and in the name of fairness and equity, it has become necessary to suspend the limited edition tokens in the Silver Strike Machines at the Plaza and Las Vegas Club. The limited edition tokens will be put back in the machines on Wednesday, 6/5/02 @ 10Am. The Plaza will have around 560-580 tokens available and the LVC will have around 600 tokens available. We may find it necessary to limit the tokens to five (5) per person and issue some type of invitation to play the machines in order to keep "privateers" off the machines. If we do use an invitation, they will be available through the convention board members. Will advise. Again, my apology for any inconveniences. We really thought these tokens would last until next Saturday. Rick Ronca