However, lets get our PRIORITIES in order. This is supposed to be a NEWSletter. My perception is that the #1 priority currently is the continued existence of our beloved hobby. Nowhere in this newsletter did i read anything about the current status of our hobby or what is being done by the board to perpetuate it. I did notice that there are only 22 silver strike machine in the entire country. Did that alarm anyone? It sure got my attention. I'm not sure what can be done currently but i am more than willing to support any action or direction from the board whether its writing letters or volunteering my time. The message I got from this letter was that NERO fiddles while Rome burns. This is the time for action not passive inaction.
And lets not worry too much about the board election in 2009 because the way things are going currently, sad to say, there may not be a club. I know there are some members working dilligently behind the scenes with the slot manages and the mints but I would like to read about it. Also there have been a number or solid ideas proposed from going to $20 strikes and/or making the 777 jackpot a gold coin instead of $1000 etc. Some of these ideas should be supported if approp[riate.
In the future, with all due respect, I would like to see the presidents remarks addressing the current status of our hobby and its future rather than seeing pictures of the president eating cake and drinking champagne. the message from our board should be something other than "LET THEM EAT CAKE".
In summary, its time for action. I only wish I knew what action, but direction should come from our board and the newsletter should contain some degree of NEWS