Guess it depends if your a "Investor" or a "Collector" . A collector hopes and a Investor hopes but also expects a increase in value.
Jeff has some great points, probabley more of a collectors point of view, and I agree with him.
Patrick also has good points, I guess we will wait and see what the answer will be. As a collector, we want to think our collection has value, but its more about the fun of collecting.
Hope is, if you were to sell them off you'd get back most of your investment and maybe make something. As a investor you'd expect a profit.
In 1999 when I won my first silver strike, I liked that they were silver , but they could have been any metal and I'm sure I would have been hooked. The Silver does give them a much nicer look , then say they were all brass.
If your investing in silver I'm sure there are better ways to buy silver then a .60 oz $10 silver strike....Even so, I was surprised a week ago I won a couple $10's for under $9 on E-bay.
I guess people who spell earlier ( earler ) would put $500 in a machine without winning a strike, I think Dan is right, take a break or move on to the next machine.