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The Strike Point Archive 01

Price of silver

The following is an excerpt from an article on Silver I read on kitco.

"This is similar to where COMEX finds itself today. But this time they are short so much silver, that if they had to buy enough silver to cover all their shorts, especially if the longs are silver users who need the physical silver for their industries (many are) and won’t accept just a cash settlement, that this could soak up as much as 100% of all silver production. Also, the short’s cash position is so dire, as their paper losses have mounted as silver has risen, that they won’t have enough money for a cash settlement. Sooner or later they will have to buy silver, and the stability price of silver could soon be above $100 an ounce (my best guess) in order to induce holders (you) to give up yours.

Silver is the investment of the century. It will move with gold, but further, as has already been demonstrated. Gold is up about 200%, and silver is up more than 300% over the last couple of years. We will eventually find that silver at today’s $15 to $20 is the bargain of the century. Silver and silver-mining stocks will be a license to print money."

Wow, silver above $100 an ounce???

If you want to read the whole article, click the link below.

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