Wes, you could not be further from the truth. Before you posted sure a thing it would have been nice if you had emailed me first. I have NEVER ripped anyone off. Sorry, not my style. First off the strike you refer to that I did by off ebay some time back was the same design as this one. However, as you did not do your homework you would have seen the same strike re listed by the same guy. I received it and returned it which did cost me in the end for the return shipping. Once it was re listed our friend Kirk bid on it. I emailed him and let him know the strike was junk and he should pass on it. I do not remember who ended up buying it. Bottom line, not the same strike.
Second thing, ok, so I do not take the time to wipe off the smudges. My loss I suppose because I guess I would sell more if I did take the time to do it. There is NO tarnish on this strike. There are NO scratches either. However I did not notice and I thank you for seeing the tiny mark next the S mint mark. It is also not a scratch. It is the same mark that my Diamond strike has. I would say it is the top of the G or D on the GDC minted strikes. Also in looking very closely at the strike I see the circle where the die was filled and re made with the S mint. Does that sound familiar ?
I have attached the scans again for you to see but this time I did wipe the smudges and clean the glass on my scanner. ((((The scan I sent to Wes in a email. I don't remember how to attach it here or I would.))))
Your apology would be nice.