"You also stated "NO SS" in another post when you were being asked about the chips coming to the Palms."
I stated the above in responce to the question, "Will the Palms have SS machines when they open."
"The machines are more trouble than they are worth.thats (sic) why you see tehm being taken out.""
I am not sure of the context of this thread.
I have never been involved with SS machines. Before the Fiesta installed them I was asked my opinion. I reccommended them. I helped run an employee contest to design the strikes. I had no involvement after that.
I believe my answer above came from talking to the 3 different Fiesta slot managers we had, after the machines were installed. None of them wanted the machines.
Slot managers usually have the final say on SS machines. The current Palms slot manager wants the machines. They were his idea. I offered to help by getting ideas from the collectors.