I just got back from the convention and need a few fillers.
I have a complete set of Mandalay Bay $40 Strikes that I would like to trade for a Palms Tony $200 (someone I talked to said it cost $400 to get this set)
I have the new Sam's Club Beavers (several) and one Sheep and need an Owl and some Palms IE: Playboys, new Restaurants some hot rods.
I have a QQQQ Redcap Wolf I would like to trade for a 2007 Slots-O-Fun 2007 Mustangs.
I have a Winn la Reve that I would like to trade for an Winn Logo.
I also have some Planet Hollywood Extras, Stomp Out Loud, Hans Glok, and PH strikes that I would trade for something I need.

I need 2006 Slots_O_Fun Bluebird, 2007 Slots-O-Fun wolf, Tortoise, and Burro; Palms Playboy Shield, Perl, Nove, Playboy Mansion, Playmate w/key, Playboy butterfly, The Cruzer w/flames, Tony 03 NHRA Champ w/diamond, and the strikes listed above.
I also have the California hotel set and the last Plaza Islands set and many other traders if you have something on my wants list.
Email me at