Just Back from Convention Had a great Time

Sharon and I just got back from Las Vegas and the convention. We had to leave early because the a friend of mine passed away and we had to return. We had a lot of fun at the Slots of Fun Casino. They had 5 silver strike machines set up so we all got a chance to play on Thursday. I happen to get a good paying machine and was selling strikes to collectors for face value for those that wanted them. Sharon was next to a nice lady and she had the same type of machine. Sharon wanted one of the 200.00 and was able to get one for face value. She even got a red cap. She was happy.
I want to thank Wes Rasmussen for working with me on a trade so Sharon could get the 777 Four Queens 200.00 strike. I wanted to get her one for our anniversary. She loves it. The Silver Strike Forum was extremely interesting with ideas tossed around about the price of silver and what the Casinos may be doing to solve the problem. A lot of great ideas where brought up and were taken very seriously. I think the hobby is doing very well with a lot of collectors enjoying the hobby. The isles I thought were packed with collectors on Thursday. I think the dealers were happy with the turn out. Just a few thoughts on a great day in Las Vegas. Ted and Sharon Pamperin SS170 and SS171