Well, gang, it's 3 weeks away from the big tournament. At the last tournament, we organized a money pool for a little added excitement. It was a lot of fun so we are going to try it again. For the people who missed out on the last one, this is what we did. The tournament participants put $20. each into a money pool. At the awards banquet, the money was distributed as follows: 1st place 50%, 2nd place 25%, 3rd place 15% and last place 10%. I think we had around 90 people who joined in the action. Of course, if you place 1st, 2nd, 3rd or last and do not have your $20. in the pool, you won't get anything back. Do the math! The winner got a nice chunk of change to feed into those strike machines. I will try to get a flyer made to hand out to everyone as you register. It will have all the information on it as to where I will be signing people up which will be close to the registration area. If you have any questions, please e-mail me.