At $305 per strike less expenses, how much profit is there. About break even.
2 If there is an error or shorter run you will have the lions share. (will they still be only $290...I think not.)
I sold 10 if there is an error these strikes go to the buyers. I wish they made more than 148.
3 Red Caps ( The extra red caps that the stooges win....they are going up for the $14 to $16 that it cost....i think not.)
I sold 20 red caps on Jackpot for $20 each. That should amount to $100 profit.
4 You almost grantee that collectors will have to check on Jackpot for strikes because it is the only place to get them.
I like that idea. Great for the buyers. Hope you are right.
5 Comps
No comps. Stooges usually use their own card.