You say, “The one time of the year there is likely to be a concentrated number of strike collectors, the local dealer is basically trying to say (in my opinion) to hell with the masses” I say, “What about those serious collectors who for one reason or another are not able to make it to the convention and want a $200 strike and do not want to have to pay $400 plus on that other auction site. Should they be denied just because you think in your mind that the machines won’t be available for play. I need enough for 7 strikes which will require about 7 hours of play. I know from previous years that these machines are not played around the clock after a day or two and there will be plenty of time to work my stooges in. If someone is waiting I always require my stooges to get up and release the machine after winning the 20 strikes necessary for one $200 and go back on any waiting list if necessary.
You say, “Convention lasts, what, a week? 5 days? Why not hire stooges to play for you during the other 360 days of the year? No. It's got to be during convention time to do everything possible to hinder the progress of the common guy.” I say, “ Unfortunately collectors want this $200 just as much as the other $200 strikes released during the year.”