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The Strike Point Archive 01

Philosophical question

Here's one I have always wondered about. Can someone give any feedback on what the purpose is of putting "from a smoke free home" in an auction description? I have seen that on some strike auctions, as well as many other auctions on eBay. I always think to myself, "okay, is this an anti-smoking fanatic and wants everyone to know it"? Do people actually sit at home and go "OH, NOW I MUST BUY IT BECAUSE I TOO DON'T SMOKE"??? What about the smokers? Do they sit at home and go "SCREW THAT ANTI-SM0KING FANATIC WHO MAKES MY LIFE MISERABLE WITH ALL THE NEW ANTI-SMOKING LAWS..." and then not bid? Why single out smoking? Why not put "this comes from a home with no convicted felons living here"? I'm guessing NO ONE KNOWS why they put that in their auctions. One wise guy at one time did it, and everyone else said "oh, I better do that or else my stuff won't sell!" Then you start seeing it in so many auctions that you think you have to put it. What about all the smokers who don't indicate either way? Do people email them and say "excuse me, before I bid on your auction, I must know if you smoke or not..."? I have never gotten an email from someone asking if I have a smoke free home (I do by the

DISCLAIMER - I am not trying to offend anyone who puts this in their auctions. I legitimately would LOVE to know what message you are trying to convey? Are you making a stand against cigarettes? If you don't want to post, please email me! Thanks!

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