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The Strike Point Archive 01
Re: for the first time, a $200 strike
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for the first time, a $200 strike
But hey, as someone astutely pointed out to me (and if you are SHORT as you said) then at least I will be the TALLEST one in the picture!!! lol I'll start growing my hair and do a mean comb-over.
SS - 1029
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just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: just saw, for the first time, a $200 strike
for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: for the first time, a $200 strike
Re: for the first time, a $200 strike
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