Back from Reno......

After a quick flight (One hour, 8 minutes from LAX to RNO) Wednesday morning and I was at Sierra Sids....At that time there were 15 $200s left according to the lady in the cashier's booth...I played and won enough for three $200's and also played for a friend and got him one....As I was sitting there, I looked up and saw Tracy Bottemiller walk in...(I see that guy everywhere I go). He immediately headed for the single line machine and we both played for several hours....The new 2007 tens are far and few between...I think they want to get rid of the older ones before they load the machines with 2007s. We had a nice visit with Ken, Sierra Sid's casino manager, and he says despite the IGC decision, Sierra Sids will keep their silver strike program going...He told us about his strike artist who does a great job for him. I am not sure how many $200s remain, but not many....Terry gave me a ride downtown to the Sands Regency and while he found a video poker machine he liked at the Silver Legacy, I called a couple collectors from Reno and we did some trading. About 7 I walked over to the Santa Fe Basque Restaurant and had the meal of the year (soup so good I could have made that the meal, salad, beans, rib eye steak covered with garlic, french fries better than In and Outs, ice cream and two glasses of red wine)....about 8:15 I waddled back to the Sands and crashed...This morning I put $20 in a machine at the Reno airport and won three strikes. There are redcaps in the machine before you go through the gates only....that was fun....had a good trip home and now it is time to put this junk away and answer ebay mail...Hope to see many of you at the QQQQs for their $200 debut over the Fourth of July weekend....Jim