Hi Everyone,
As Pam stated, the original group that thought up the Club Strike Contest also made up the rules which were to govern the next contest. This is only the second year that the contest has been run and we are currently abiding by last years rules. That’s not to say we can't change them for future years. Last year a committee was chosen to select the winner and this year it has been opened up to the membership to vote on. The contest is a work in progress please give us a chance. Just to set the record straight, there were many more drawings submitted. I received all the drawings and I numbered them so that the five judges had no idea who the artist were. Out of all submitted the five you see were voted as finalist. No one but myself still knows who they are. All five finalists will receive a FREE club strike and the winner will have their initials put on the picture side of the strike.
I hope this helps to clairify what has gone on so far. Like I said, its not written in stone.
Thanks to all that have voted and please keep your votes coming in, the dead line is March 15th.
Jeff Bitzer