The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

In Response To: NEWBIE ()

Welcome to a fun and sometime frustrating hobby. lol Don't know if this is good for them or not but I get those pages from a coin shop that have the square pockets. I think 2x2 or something like that. Slip the strike in the pocket and staple the top or close to the top of the pocket shut. I have the pages in a big loose leaf notebook. In the front I have a list of the strikes that are in there plus I keep a copy close to my computer so I can look when I am on jackpot, the message board or ebay to see if I have that strike. I also keep the list on a floppy disk ( I know but I still like them--lol) so I can update it when I get a new strike. I have one book for my Las Vegas strikes and one for the non Las Vegas strikes. I do not keep the books out but they are handy to bring out and show someone. Works for me. Sherry

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