Have talked with 4Qs, and bring money to tournament. They will have 6 machines each will have a differant red cap in them, and 250 ea. each new one will be a ace of CLUBS,SPADES,DIAMONDS,and HEARTS with sprig of flowers on side and each will be differant flower. There is the new $200 Fremont that came out Friday, and a new $ 200 for the tournament which will be the HUGO'S CELLAR. All 1lb will be only 150ea. Also a new $10 HUGO'S.
The 1/4lb gift for playing is high lighted in gold with a rose that will blow you away!
They have almost 90 now, and you better sign up fast before it's toolate! those staying at the 4Qs will be in the new rooms.
The 4Qs will no longer use the RWM mint, but has changed over to S mint!
Now all that I could find out was the Plaza has pulled there machines, Mandalay Bay has strikes but waiting machines in two weeks.
Wynn has no clue as to when, Calif.,Sam's town, and New York all said they are waiting for the strikes, but were told everone was put at back of line because they are getting the 4Qs out first. Semper Fi. Chuck