You still have yet to submit a NEGATIVE against the seller.
Potential buyers still see a perfectly good rating on this seller. So his reputation on e-bay is still a perfect one. I also hope that the buyer of the other token sold will also post a negative if his purchase has not been resolved.
And when you do, don't worry about the retalliation negative, you can always respond to it.
When and if you do post that negative, you should include a link here to the messages especially your original post.
Something, like
"RIPOFF", read here..."
This way potential buyers will definately see that there was a MAJOR attempt to straighten out this matter.
BTW, I see that by a past message you left that the seller has SEEN this message board. If the seller cannot beleive the people wo DO collect these tokens THEN he deserves the NEGATIVE.
BTW, as far as him getting "nasty" e-mails, the seller shouldn't have gotten any! I myself didn't e-mail this person, as this message board says it all.
If you paid with your credit card, contact your credit card company and see if they will do something about the charges directly.