I appreciate that Warren. Apology accepted.
Look at every auction I ever bid on. I bid the same way on every one of them, no matter who the seller is, and I don't know ANY of them. I have bought many strikes from you Warren, and I don't know you either. I'm in Hawaii, are there even that many strike collectors over here? Sometimes I get caught up in bidding wars, and yes, sometimes I go way more than I initially wanted to pay. I am a competitor, and I guess sometimes to the benefit of sellers, I get competitive on bidding. I'm in it just as much for the game as I am to get the strike. If you look at the strikes I have bid high on, like really high, it's strikes that aren't readily available on eBay, until of course the bidding goes way up. Dusty Draw, Stardust New Year. I paid $237.50 for my first Dusty Draw, $199 for the next one, and I think $150 for my third one. The third seller I think even felt guilty and sent me four free Stardust strikes. I paid over $400, and then $300 for my first two New Year strikes. I don't view it as I paid $70 for the South Coast strikes, because I got two more for $10 each, but yes, maybe $40 is still high, but my kids love the horses (I have three year old twins and a two year old) and now I got the set.
I take one thing back, there are some auctions for strikes that I place bids on because the price is so low and I'm seeing if I can get them real cheap to resell. I've won some strikes for $5.99 that way. So in that sense, I don't bid on every strike the same way.
Bottom line is whatever I bid on any auction, I'm ready to pay for it right away. Hope that makes sense.