Marv- I think I've used this example previously ... so if there are those who are hearing again, please bear with me for the benfit of those who are hearing it for the first time.
The term "silver strike" (TO ME) is a generic term ... much like "Band-Aid" is the generic term commonly used for all adhesive gauze strips sold under various trade names.
My first impression of a "Silver Strike" when I hear the term, (which I am well aware differs from collector to collector) is a redeemable coin of various denominations that is housed in a two-piece plastic container (not necessarily .999 fine silver) that drops from the payout chute into the coin tray when single bars, double bars, or triple bars are lined up on the payout line of a slot machine.
That pretty much sums it up from my perspective.
Please don't confuse my personal response with my role as SSOTY Chairman. I'm only speaking for myself.
BTW: Thanks for asking the question.