Looking for assistance in expanding the web-site. If you can do fairly simple web page creation and want to help please let me know. I am looking for individuals to each take a state that I have not created and create it using the same format I am using for consistency. Here are the requirements.
1. File structure should be as follows: Directory = State, Subdirectory = Casino, Images listed under Casino Subdirectory should be named in a descriptive method such as “Palms $10 Hugh Hefner” (so image name matches description on WebPages). Example:$40.JPG
2. The HTML page will reside in the main Silverstrikers directory. Example:
3. Kevin Pyles has given his permission for us to use the images from his web site to build ours. Lots of good images to start with. Here is the link:
4. You may use any of the web pages I have already created for the casinos as a template for the basic structure.
5. All web pages created will belong to the club.
6. Any questions please email me. Your help is greatly appreciated and will be of great value to the club and users of the site.
7. You can use most software to assist you (FrontPage, HotMetal, etc) or write the code from scratch.
Jim Moser