I do not care who you are and you can cry all you woun't to. When I need a strike I will over bid you and I never look who I am bidding over and you can ask anyone. Ask Norman who started running up bids because it is you. I bid on a lot of strikes at $16.02 and you ran every one of them as hi as you could and did not over bid me on one. I have over bid you on every strike that you just run up on Jackpot. It is people like you that crys ever time I over bid you that needs to stop. If I can help you in any way to help you stop let me know and I am the one that get's my bid run up. This is the first time I have left a message on this board and I hope the last. Do like one of member said and send him a list of your strikes you have for sell. You are a poor sport,so go cry some where else.