Archie, the only thing wrong with what you are saying is this-last year I sat beside three gentlemen, who were guests of a member. Their ONLY reason for being at the meeting was the handout. I am sorry, hand outs should be for members only and those people who help support silver strike collecting, those people who play the machines. I am not saying they, guests, are not welcome at the meetings, but hand out by the likes of IGT and the Palms should be restricted to members only. We as members help support, by our playing of the Silver Strike machines, IGT and the Palms silver strike programs. If someone wants to share in the benefits of the hand outs, then one should be sharing in the support of those hand outs by being a member of the club and playing the silver strike machines. If they do not want to help support, then maybe they should pay for the extra hand outs, like I did at the Convention. Just one members opinion.