Thanks for the kind words for Janel and crew. The all worked very hard to get this ready in time for the convention. Not everone can be totally happy, but why sit here on this BB and cry like a bunch of poor loosers. You haven't lost yet. Janel worked for months on this project. She had lots of input but could not make everone happy. Most collectors were very unhappy with some of the things that happened in December. They made a few mistakes but all in all the tournament went off with out a hitch.
My wife is unhappy the she will not get a chance to play this time either but in order to make it possible that more of you get the chance to partisipate she will forgive and try to forget. No this will not stop some individuals from being dishonest in order to circumvent the rules, but you'll find out who those people are and just avoid them like the plague. Greed is a very hard thing to overcome, for some it will be impossable.
Even if I do not get a chance to play, so be it. I still can't wait until June for the convention and all those trade sessions to begin.