I don't think Art expects a rush of people signing up because he did it a little too fast and too strong. I think he's serious about the movement and I like a lot of the things he stands for as far as Silver Strikes go, but I don't like movements like that because it forces people to take sides and creates hostilities.
As for the current "blues" in existence, I've never chased them or the $200's and never will, but because they are SS's I will trade for them. I just wish they didn't exist because the whole hobby is beginning to revolve around the special issues. Somethings really missing now, I can't see it, but I just feel it. I hope the movement catches on.
On the other hand I have to admit, for the short term, the special issues have made the hobby very interesting.
I love the fun chasing after regular strikes as well as the special ones, but since I'm missing well over 100 of the current issues I have no need or desire to broaden my chase.