Hi all,
It looks like "guess Who" is AFRAID to post his name. And he IS NOT a part of any of our or(even if there was 1) any gang. EXCEPT his RUDE & CRUDE gang.
ANY TIME you see a rude and crude message. You can just about bet. That Hummer(Phil Hinton) is involved in it, somehow. If not that will be a rare thing. He even sent me a message in French. Showing me that he can be Rude & Crude in French ALSO.
It's just a shame that Jeff Blitzer let himself be taken in by this rude and crude "person". This shows to what lenghts that a "person" will go to to be rude and crude, and try to cause problems. Too bad he was not taught better when he was a kid.
Scott, if you send Hummer a question. I hope that you are prepared for his usual rude and crude answer. If you do get a nice answer, you had best check to see who it is from, accidents will happen.
A LOT more could be said about this subject. However, it is not worth our or the strikeboards time to continue on with this subject. This will be my last post on this subject. And I and the rest of us silver strike collectors. Can get back to the hobby of collecting silverstrikes.