I didn't mean to start a war, but other strikers have apparently sent similar information to this person. All with goood intent. Here it is (I have to edit to get this person's foul language out):
Dear Clowns: Your site has information that has been cut and pasted by some of your members leaving out the threats of which violate number 11, 12, and other so called rules of your joke called a code of ethics. You are being placed on notice of our intent to file a lawsuit in this matter. You are also being warned to not intercept any of our auctions again and to re frame from any contact with any of our auction sites by any of your members.
No where on these items does anything appear other than what we have stated. Your childish group even calls them strikes, but again no where does that even appear. Your group should be called the token group or something of a lessor value, as our contact with its members has so far been only a token of sshhit!!!