Sorry the information was half wrong. Information was from a first time visitor to Vagas who seen the machine at Fitzgerald, and then went over to the 4Qs which was down for a refill, but thought it was all 4Qs information he was giving me.
BUT after 5 years the 4Qs is getting replacements for the Queens strikes, but I've heard nothing on when they will be changed over. A pipe dream would be for this week, and yes the people at the 4Qs knows we will be thier this comming weekend in FORCE!!! The hold up has been that it will have a $200 as the chase for trade in, and IGT wants them to take one of the new plastic photo one, and they want a gold high lighted one. Tell the people in charge what you would like to have!! Because IGT don't seem to get it!!!
Semper Fi. Chuck