When people continually get something for free sooner or later they begin to believe that they have a right to it. When you trade 20 strikes for a $200 strike that is what you are entitled to. The case is free. If you wanted you could walk away from the cage, take the $200 out of the holder and return it for $200 cash and keep the case. What I'm saying is, if you get something for free you probably shouldn't be too demanding as it didn't cost you anything in the first place. What will probably happen is sooner or later the casinos will trade the $200 for 20 strikes and sell an undamaged case in the gift shop for $10 or $15. If you don't think they will do this ask any chip collector about the cassettes that some casinos sell in the gift shop to display commemorative chips.
I think the best thing to do is check the strike case before you leave the cage and if it is damaged just ask for another strike. I have never had a problem with a cashier when I asked for an exchange.