Seems like this question comes up once a year or so. Different collectors have different favorites. I think the answer depends on what you're looking for.
Bill Cohenour's NV guide is up to date (published to order) with recent auction prices and mintages when available ( It has a handy checklist format which is useful in tracking which strikes you still need. He now includes year the strike was placed into play.
Richard Anderson has a NV guide with annual updates, crisp color pictures and some interesting anecdotes about many of the strikes
Howard Herz ( and Art Becker ( also have NV guides. I think there may be some others too. I haven't seen Art's guide. The older version I have of Howard's has B&W photos which I find harder to see than Richard's.
If you're looking for non-NV, the only one I know of is by Dennis Finn ( and Christie Gregory. Few pictures though, and I don't know if the catalog or prices have been updated in the last 2-3 years.
I use Bill Cohenour's the most because of the current price guidance, followed by Richard Anderson's for photos and info. You can also see photos on the Club site. And I use Dennis' and Christie's for non-NV.