I read this board daily and rarely post a comment (maybe once in the last year). Today however I must post my opinion. I agree with Christine. If she was paying for this service and did not get it she is entitled to a refund either in the form of two years worth of insurance fees paid or the money paid for the missing strikes or replacements. Especially since she was a customer for over 2 years. Sure there are other customers out there but did you ever hear the old adage that it cost more to get a new customer than it does to make an old one happy? Sure, go ahead and argue that Christine may be unreasonable and hard to please (sounds like that is what is being insinuated) but if that was the case then just block her from bidding on any auctions or just refuse her business (should have been done 2 years ago if thats how you feel about her)(by the way Christine should have stopped buying from Norm or sending insurance fees 2 years ago too). I also agree she has the right to post her situation here, especially if this board is often used for personal issues not relating to its actual purpose (the discussion of strikes and strike related issues). Sounds like Norm has alot of happy customers out there and knows it too well. That can change if he feels this issue is just somebody whining. My vote goes to Christine, refund 2 years of service fees paid, or replace the missing strikes as "self insured" Norm promises. Then try to make up and get on with life.