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The Strike Point Archive 01

Re: What's the deal?
In Response To: Re: What's the deal? ()

Wow, that's what I was afraid of. I haven't seen the colorized strikes in person, but from the scans, they certainly look less appealing than the traditional silver with gold highlighting -- especially the photo-look of the South Coast $200. I wouldn't play for that. Reminds me of those birthday cakes you can buy with a photo instead of real decorator design in the frosting. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean it's attractive. The Palms $200 looks a little better as it doesn't have that photo look to it, but IMHO it still doesn't look as classy as their previous strikes. Maybe in person it's better.

Perhaps the record high price of gold has made IGT penny-wise, pound foolish. Does anyone else feel this way about the new strikes? If so, we need to let IGT know, in a nice way.

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What's the deal?
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Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
Re: What's the deal?
A better change
Re: What's the deal?
Robert Williams Mint
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Re: Robert Williams Mint

Copyright 2022 David Spragg