The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.

I don't think he was shilling. The term don't fit because nobody was going to bid that high!!!

Shills, or "potted plants", are frequently employed in auctions. Driving prices up with phony bids, they seek to provoke a bidding war among other participants. Often they are told by the seller precisely how high to bid, as the seller actually pays the price (to himself, of course) if the item does not sell, losing only the auction fees.

Shilling is an even larger problem in online auctions, where any user with multiple accounts (and IP addresses) can shill without aid of participants. Many online auction sites employ sophisticated (and usually secret) methods to detect collusion, and a number of people have been sent to jail for online auction fraud in the past decade.

A common shilling tactic is to have two shills. The first is a young child who offers a low bid for a moderately-priced item. Other auction participants will be reluctant to outbid him. The second shill is an ill-mannered and usually overweight man who does just that—he outbids the kid, who starts crying. In theory, this should provoke other auction participants to outbid the man solely for the sake of beating him; by bidding well beyond the item's value, he can artificially increase prices.

This practice is illegal in most, if not all, jurisdictions.

Messages In This Thread

Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Strangest thing I have ever seen.
Re: Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Re: Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Re: Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Re: Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Re: Shiling on eBay with Mr. B's
Especially if his.......
your right Walt-or buyer able to buy

Copyright 2022 David Spragg