High bid always wins on .
I like to snipe so that no one gets a chance to try to outbid me.
I don't get into many bidding wars.
I'll pay a bit more than the second place bidder or I don't win.
I get a bid at my max ready to confirm. (all I need to do is hit the confirm button.)
I open a second browser and refresh it to see how long it takes to refresh. (about 1 second on my computer with a cable connection.)
I set my clock to ebay time....to the second.
At about 2 seconds left in the auction ,I submit my bid. If someone has I higher max bid then I just run the bid up for the seller. (Sellers love snipers.)
It is not how much you bid that determines how much a auction costs. It is how much the second place bidder bids.
I repeat.... The highest bid always wins!