Just passing this on from Kathryn Kane, eBay's Casino Collectibles category manager, in response to the newsletter article that Bill and I wrote on the Past, Present and Future of Silver Striking. eBay's new research tool might be useful for those of you who want to analyze the silver strike market (price trends, auction close rates, etc.) in greater detail:
Also, we launched an exciting new tool on the eBay site called the Marketplace Research tool. I am going to attach a link for some press that we’re getting on it already. It’s a great way for buyers and sellers to learn more about eBay, products and trends. http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/051110/20051110005241.html?.v=1
And here is the link to the tool on eBay: www.ebay.com/marketplace_research
Too bad it's not free.