Random schmandom. It could be a coincidence, but when I played the two machines at Circus Circus Monday, they each stopped when the machine hit an empty cylinder, displaying the same error message "Reel 4 Tilt." I assume that means the 4th cylinder was empty. All other tubes had plenty of strikes. I wonder if in the original release of the machine software, that cylinder hits more often. During the convention, I noticed that one of the tubes at the FQ was hitting much more often than any other. Probably #4.
There must be newer releases of the software available. At the Plaza, if the machine hits an empty cylinder, it goes on to another that still has strikes in it. That way, they don't need to refill it till all cylinders are empty. At Circus Circus, if it hits any single empty tube, it just rotates the cylinders around endlessly until someone fills up that tube. Maybe the new release is much more random....