The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Re: Circus Circus strikes?
In Response To: Re: Circus Circus strikes? ()

I know when Marie and I were playing at the Stardust in 2004 we had the same problem of winning the same 2 of 3 but could not win the 3rd! After going to the cage and asking them about the 3rd strike that was on display, they told me that they did not have the 3rd one in the machine because it was not delivered yet. Barbara, the Slot Shift Manager came over to the machine we were playing and called the mechanic to remove the 3rd strike that was on display in all (4) machines because that comes under false advertisement! She then, at the machine we were playing traded one that was on display for one of the other ones that I kept on winning multiples of. According to her at that time, what was on display had to be in the machine, but that doesn't mean that they couldn't have others in the machine that were not on display!
Jerry Sacco SS#673

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Circus Circus strikes?
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Re: Circus Circus strikes?

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