I happened to come across this comprehensive 516 page document from the Nevada Gaming Commission which lists the description and exact date that every chip, token and strike was approved through February of this year. It's sorted by city, then casino and date. Some of you may find it useful as a reference, especially since it's free. http://www.gaming.nv.gov/documents/pdf/chip_token_hist.pdf I didn't know this compilation existed, but perhaps some of you did.
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it if you don't already have it on your computer. You can download the free reader from here http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
The only updates I found since this report was issued are the monthly approval lists, which don't list all the historical approvals as this one does.
Jim, maybe a link to this document from the Club site would be useful.