Tracy, does your hold data come directly from the casino or is it based on your own playing experience? If the data is accurate, I wonder if we can post a guide on the Club site? That sort of public exposure might pressure the casinos to at least be competitive with one another.
Maybe even better would be creating some sort of members' review/rating system of different casinos and posting it on the Club site. A Consumer Reports type system perhaps. This could include various criteria that are important to strikers -- maybe perceived payout generosity (so we wouldn't have liability for listing erroneous percentages), quality and frequency of new designs, friendliness of staff, willingness to trade, etc. It could even include a place for Club members who desire to post their experiences (good or bad) at each casino. Or maybe it's based on some designated "phantom striker's" experience. Again, the objective would be to publicly show each casino's perceived performance along dimensions that we collectors think are important and want the casinos to excel at. A sort of constantly refreshed performance review.
Some of this info gets posted from time to time on this board, but such a structured posting on the Club site would make it more effective as a lever to pressure casinos to improve, I think. Consumer to consumer rating methodologies are spreading on the Internet. Epinions, CNET, Amazon, etc. all have it. Even the feedback ratings on eBay and Jackpot are examples of this.
Anyone else think this would work?