Tracy, I have to agree with you, the cost of winning a strike in these new machines has gone way out of line! I also think another problem is the Casino's are mixing the new strikes in with the old ones. If I already have the old strikes, why would I want to sit at these machines and play for them all over again. If it costs the player $15.00 to win a strike that you already have and cash it in at the cage, you are already out $5.00!! I refuse to play these machines at the Casino's that have the old strikes and new strikes mixed together in their machines. Another thing is some of these Casino's are coming out with the same series. The El Cortez, Barbary Coast and Slots A Fun all have the same strikes, how many Hoover Dam and Lake Mead strikes do I need in my collection? How many years is the Plaza going to run the same Hawain series of the Islands and only change the date from one year to the next. These are some of the things that I feel will affect this hobby, people will get disgusted and stop playing the machines for the strikes.
Jerry Sacco SS#673