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The Strike Point Archive 01

Save mailing cost with use of flat rate

Bonsour everybody,
I have noticed in the past, in recieving traded strikes. That the sender payed more for post office postage then was necessary. Also, in asking the sender if they knew about the post office flat rate mailer and/or box. Most all said they didnot.
So, I thought I would inform everybody about it. In case someone didnot know about it.
The US Postal Service has 2 flat rate deals. Both are for priority mailing service, to any where in the USA. And remember that you HAVE TO USE THE mailer or box. That SAYS FLAT RATE ON IT. That is FURNISHED BY the post office. To get the special rate. NO postal insurance is included in these flat rate deals. That INSURANCE is still EXTRA.
#1-- for $3.85 there is a priority cardboard mailer. There is NO weight limit. And you can put as much in it as you can safetly get in it. Remember however, you have to use the self-sticking sealing strip. That is on the mailer. You CANNOT ADD any extra form of sealing material(tape, glue, staples, etc.)to help seal this mailer. This added sealing material will void the flat rate rate.
#2-- for $7.70 there is 2 different sizes of priority flat rate boxes, to chose from. They also have no weight limit, except for the postal general weight limit. For all packages/boxes, of 50 lbs. You can put as much in them as you can, safetly get in them. You may use some extra form of sealing these(tape, etc). And keep the flat rate.
I have used this flat rate rate from my city. Several times and I have saved money. And got the strikes there just like regular priority mail. And in the same mailing time.
Check with your local post office, about this the next time. You have a lot to mail, or something heavy(or a combination) to mail to someone. They will/can explain it better. And also in case I forgot to mention something.
Why pay the higher mailing cost. When you can use the savings for more silverstrikes.
Happy mailing and silverstriking,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg