Not sure if this is comprehensive, but it's a start:
Barbary Coast - Lake Mead, Mount Charleston, Red Rock, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam, LV Centennial
El Cortez - Lake Mead, Mount Charleston, Red Rock, Valley of Fire, Hoover Dam, 100th Birthday, Silver Strikers logo red cap, Preserving Gaming History red cap.
Four Queens - Silver Strikers logo red cap, Preserving Gaming History red cap.
IGT - Silver Strikers Club NCV red cap given away at educational forum.
Las Vegas Club - Casino, Happy 100th Birthday, Silver Strikers logo red cap.
Mirage - LV Welcome Sign
Palms - Silver Strikers logo red cap, Preserving Gaming History red cap; plus Silver Strikers/CCGTCC NCV given away at Silver Strikers business meeting.
Plaza - new non-Barrick logo series including Abe Lincoln, Mount Rushmore, Spirit of Freedom, Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Niihau, Oahu, Casino, LV Sign Centennial, Preserving Gaming History red cap.
Sam's Town - LV Centennial
Slots A Fun - Silver Striker logo red cap
Stardust - I believe the following appeared on the machine displays just after the convention, but I haven't heard of anyone who has won them yet (locals will have better data): Centennial Welcome Sign, Older Building, Stardust logo
Ellis Island should also have one or more strikes any day now.
I still have some dups of the new strikes. If interested, send me your trade list.