The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Circus Circus & Slots of Fun Strikes--

Thanks James, John & Dan for the Circus Circus Stike info given before we went to Vegas on the locations of the two strike machines. My husband is the player to get any of my stikes ( if not my friend when she can go) so I hate to interrupt his slot play to get for me, but he was in a good mood so he played the machine downstairs with the $50.00 I left him and came up with five strikes for $22.00 and some change. He got the building and what seems to be four different clowns. I kind of wanted a Hoover Dam from Slots of Fun so later he went over and put in $200.00 and got 19 strikes including three red caps that have the slot machine on them. Next day he went back to Slots of Fun and got 9 strikes for $100.00. We had our 12 year old grandson with us so I didn't get to see the action. lol Anyway, thanks to all the fellow strikers out there that share info with everyone. Read with interest the sad account of rudeness that happened downtown and have noticed that for every nice employee you meet, you run into four rude and grouchy employees in every casino. What is happening out there? Sherry

Copyright 2022 David Spragg