The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Re: Jackpot is up and running.
In Response To: Re: Jackpot is up and running. ()

As you may have already heard, the cause for's recent down-time was a hard drive failure. Unfortunately, the failure occurred as our hosting provider was making a backup of our site. This backup was corrupted by the hard drive failure, leaving us without our daily backups. As a result of this, the most recent data we have available is from June 6th. This means any actions that had taken place between June 6th at 6 p.m. - June 13th 11p.m. (such as bids, listings, feedback) cannot be recovered.

All of the auctions that were not closed as of June 6th at 6 p.m., have been extended for 14 days to give the buyers a chance to place any bids that may have been lost as a result of the data corruption. So please take notice to the auctions that are currently listed in your "Selling" page. If you notice an auction that ended between June 6th at 6 p.m. - June 13th 11p.m., that you have already made contact with the bidder to arrange payment for the item, please send me an email to, and I will remove that auction ASAP, to prevent further complications.

I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. As a token of our appreciation for you continued patience and understanding, we will be waiving all fees (including closing fees) for the remainder of the month of June.

If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

Dj @ Jackpot

Messages In This Thread

Jackpot is up and running.
Re: Jackpot is up and running.
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Jackpot is up and running.
Re: Jackpot is up and running.
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Jackpot is up and running.
Re: Canceling your auctions
Re: Canceling your auctions

Copyright 2022 David Spragg