While many of the follow up posters have covered the subject, let me make it official.
1. Sharing a table without the permission of the Convention Chairman is not allowed.
2. There is to be no outright selling at a trade session. That is why they are called "trade" sessions.
3. Hotel policy forbids any type of trading or sales activity in the hallways outside of the show floor and trade rooms.
4. There is to be no "vest pocket" type of activity on the show floor. The show floor buying, selling, and trading are for the dealers who paid for their table space.
5. Any convention attendee who violates any of the above may be asked to vacate the property.
While this may sound harsh, these rules are meant to protect the dealers who spend money for their tables, meet hotel and gaming control regulations, and abide by CC>CC club regulations.
These bullitan boards and auction sites are available for the purpose of disposing of collectibles.
Jim Steffner
CC>CC Convention Chairman