I prefer the coin system. I like putting them in and watching and hearing them come out. If I'm in a relaxed playing mood I stetch out the playing time by slowly feeding in the coins and just enjoying the casino atmosphere. If I'm casino hopping I can take the coins from one to the other. (I play quarters.) If I'm playing credits on a three coin quarter machine with coin out and am down to two credits I will cash them out. I'm not likely to do that on a ticket system. That's only fifty cents but multiply that by lots of plays.
The ticket system is beneficial to the casino as it both cuts down on personell and encourages faster play as well as playing those last few coins. Ultimately, the fate of the ticket system rests with the player. A casino won't use a system that the players won't use.
As to waiting for a hopper fill I am more fustrated with frequent hopper jams on the strike machines than I am with coin fills. I actually find a hopper fill encouraging as it is on a machine which is paying off.