The election is in full swing and the final votes are coming in. I would like to take this last opportunity to express my willingness to work for the Silver Strike Club. The last couple of years the club's relationships with IGT and some of the casinos managers has declined and I think its time for a fresh approach. There are many new avenues to travel to promote the Silver Strike Club.
This last month I have been dealing with the editor of Strictly Slots magazine and hopefully their magazine will be running a feature article on Silver Strikes, the new Silver Strikes machines and the Silver Strike Club. Lots of information about our club, convention, slot tournaments, trade sessions, web site, and collecting have been provided to them. They plan to run a feature article in their July issue and hope to have updated news each month on strikes including the Silver Strike Club events.
There are many things I would like to do to promote our club,increase the membership and have a better working relationship with IGT and the casinos that have silver strikes. Its time for a fresh approach promoting the Silver Strike Club and I know I can accomplish that. Please Vote.
Pam Martin