I just returned from making a trip from Sacramento to Salt Lake. I stopped at a few casinos along the way and thought I'd share some info. with you. Sierra Sid's has two strike machines and one of them has been reprogrammed to dispense multiple strikes per win. The other one only dispenses one strike per win. I was told that they still have the $200 Jackalope strike there and will exchange 20 $10 Sid's strikes for one. They were nice enough to trade some duplicates I won for other strikes.
Mr. B's in Mill City has one strike machine and was told they are getting a new design very soon, I hope this is true.
The Red Garter in Wendover has pulled their strike machine and is no longer there.
(I have an extra set of the Virginia CIty and Eureka strikes from Mr. B's and an extra Mark Twain and Kit Carson from Sid's if your interested in a trade let me know.)
Happy Collecting.