I went back to the Hard Rock tonight. Once again, the machine was statistically off in the strikes it dropped. Yesterday, I got lots of buildings and very few Pink Tacos. Tonight, more of the same. But I got the explanation. The shortage of Pink Tacos and the surplus of the building is intentional.
There are two machines which we will label "Machine A" and "Machine B". Each machine has six cylinders for a total of 12. Machine A has two cylinders of buildings, two cylinders of Love Jones, one cylinder of The Joint and one clinder of Pink Taco. Machine B has two cylinders of buildings, two cylinders of The Joint, one cylinder of Love Jones and one cylinder of Pink Taco.
Let's do the math. Four cylinders of buildings (33 1/3%), three cylinders of The Joint (25%), three cylinders of Love Jones (25%) and two cylinders of Pink Taco (16 2/3%). Presto, an artificial shortage. Longer play to get your set.
Also, the short strike is the most attractive of the set of four. Hats off to the strikers'
friends in the marketing department.