This is from the archieves.
Two $10.00 tokens were selected: one from the Hard Rock and one from the
Gold Coast Las Vegas. We also assayed a $40.00 silver premium token from
TropWorld Atlantic City. The tokens we used can be identified as:
HRLV 1 (Marv Weaver's Catalog Numbers)
and Trop World Steel Pier $40.00.
As you may or may not know the construction of the $40.00 tokens is a one
piece stamping in .999 Fine Silver and 24Karat HGE (Heavy Gold Electroplate),
while the $10.00 tokens are a two piece stamping , the center .999Fine Silver
Token and the outer ring.
The outer ring of HRLV1 weighed 12.25 DWT(pennyweights) (1/20 of a troy oz)
and contained no precious metal.
The outer ring of GCLV2 weighed 11.85 DWT(pennyweights) (1/20 of a troy oz)
and contained no precious metal.
HRLV1 Center weighed 11.98 DWT and contained 11.83 DWT .999 Silver.
Actually the center was .9874 Fine Silver.
GCLV2 Center weighed 11.63 DWT and contained 11.27 DWT .999 Silver.
Actually the center was .9690 Fine Silver.
The $40. Trop weighed 34.60 DWT and contained 34.08 DWT .999 Silver.
Actually the center was .9850 Fine Silver.
Additionally the $40.00 Trop contained .0102 DWT .9999 Fine Gold.
At the Spot Gold and Silver Prices on Fri 1/12/96 of $5.55 silver and $399.00
gold the following are the bullion values.
HRLV1- 11.83DWT =.5915Oz Troy .999 Fine Silver @ $5.55 = $3.28
GCLV2- 11.27DWT =.5635Oz Troy .999 Fine Silver @ $5.55 = $3.13
$40Trop-34.08DWT = 1.70 Oz Troy .999 Fine Silver @ $5.55 = $9.44
$40Trop-.0102DWT =.0005Oz Troy .9999 Fine Gold @ $399 = $0.20 Total = $9.64
The $7 strikes are less that one oz also. Maybe someone else has that figure.